Faith and Photography: My Journey to Creating "Prayer of Los Angeles"
"For we walk by faith, not by sight." - Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV)
This profound scripture has deeply influenced my life and work. It teaches us that our journey in life is not solely guided by what we see but by faith. This belief has been the foundation of my artistic journey, intertwining my love for photography with my faith. My latest project, "Prayer of Los Angeles: A Photography Zine," is a manifestation of this journey, and I'd like to share the process, inspiration, and story behind this work.
The Beginnings: Houston Center of Photography
I’m grateful to the Houston Center of Photography (HCP). Although I've never visited Houston. I’m excited for the impact of their educational course, "Publishing Your (First) Photobook,” taught by Alexa Becker, a photography coach and publishing consultant.
My involvement with the Houston Center of Photography began through Fotofest. FotoFest is a houseton-based contemporary arts organization. In 2021, I was awarded one of five scholarships for Black photographers, to its International Meeting Place. The main focus were virtual portfolio reviews. This opportunity allowed me to engage with curators, gallerists, photo editors, book publishers, collectors and organizations like HCP.
One of the most memorable reviewers I met was Alexa Becker. Her review of my work was not just insightful but deeply encouraging. Her kindness and curiosity was refeshing.
Houston Center of Photography exemplifies the power of community in the art world. And it is the reason why I am grateful for connecting with like-minded individuals who share a passion for photography.
A Journey Through Los Angeles
Recently, I visited Los Angeles for a historic concert by Kendrick Lamar, who was in a rap battle with Drake. This event was a celebration of hip-hop culture, featuring elements like breaking, DJing, graffiti, MCing, and knowledge. The concert was an incredible experience, showcasing the essence of LA's hip-hop scene.
Staying in Westmont, we lived in a camper van on a property surrounded by barbed wire. Using public transit, we witnessed the city's harsh realities, from drug addiction and poverty to pollution. These experiences reminded me of the spiritual battles we face, as described in Ephesians 6:12 and Romans 5:20. Despite the evident sin, I was reminded that grace abounds even more.
The Beauty of Christ in Unexpected Places
Seeing the challenges of LA, I reflected on how God brings beauty from places of low esteem. Just as Jesus came from Nazareth, a town held in low regard, so too can greatness arise from unlikely places. This idea is echoed in 1 Corinthians 1:27-28, where God uses the weak and despised to shame the strong.
During my trip, I decided to take a break from medium format photography, opting instead for a point-and-shoot Olympus Stylus 120 with Kodak 400TX film. This allowed me to capture moments quickly and freely, focusing on composition rather than technical details.
Creating "Prayer of Los Angeles: A Photography Zine"
My new project, "Prayer of Los Angeles: A Photography Zine," is inspired by my desire to combine photography, poetry, and music into a continuous prayer. I envision this book as a small, hand-held zine, with images printed full-bleed, down to the actual negatives size. The content will flow like the prayers of Moses, Miriam, David, and Mary, blending visual and written art seamlessly.
This project is a departure from my previous works, such as Everything I Do is Black and French Postcards & Poems: A Journey Through Words and Images. While those projects were successful in their own right, "Prayer of Los Angeles" aims to create a more intimate and spiritually resonant experience.
The Process and Inspiration
Creating this zine involves writing a poem, producing music, recording, designing the book, and selecting and sequencing photographs. Each step is guided by my faith and the desire to create something that honors God and inspires others. The images and words will be connected in a way that reflects the deep connection between art and faith.
For inspiration, I draw from projects like Live in Paris: a VR Mixtape. This project combined photography, videography, music production, and poetry into a unique VR experience. Similarly, "Prayer of Los Angeles" will blend various art forms to create a cohesive, immersive prayer.
Conclusion: Walking by Faith
As I embark on this new project, I am reminded of the importance of walking by faith, not by sight. My journey through photography is not just about capturing images but about sharing the beauty of Christ through art. By creating "Prayer of Los Angeles," I hope to inspire others to see the world through the lens of faith and appreciate the significance of the present moment.